Wednesday 4 September 2013

Anime Convention Nom-Con!!!

:D Last weekend I went to an awesome Anime Convention in Dublin. The convention is called Nom-Con and was held in the Ballsbridge Hotel this year :D It started on friday the 30th and ended sunday the 1st. The last time I went to it was two years ago. So far it was the best convention I have ever gone to and was especially fun this year. I highly recommend it to people :P.

I have never gone to the biggest one in Ireland which is Eirtakon which will be held in Crow Park this year. I have asked people about it and to be honest I think Nom-Con sounds better because apparently once you meet new people at Eirtakon  there is a very small chance that you will meet them again that weekend. I don't like the sound of that, I rather Nom-Con because it's not that big and you find everyone easier.

Here is the homepage from Nom-Con:           

This year I cosplayed as Naruto Uzumaki :P and had lots of fun :D. I met lots of new fun people. I met the man who made the first colour Animation, Jimmy Teru Murakami (I will talk more about him another time) I also met Akemi Solloway who is a lecturer of traditional Japanese culture and a Japanese language teacher (she also is involved in big charity programmes) and Monica Rial who is a voice actress and has been for 13 years already. Her voice was used in over 250 Anime. An other Guest we met was Tank9 and Mary Nine. Tank9 makes music videos and Mary Nine is a dancer. I have met all of them and I might be in Tank9's video about Nom-con and I got a picture with Jimmy Teru Murakami.

Here are the links of the Guests:

Jimmy Teru Murakami    

Akemi Solloway

Monica Rial

Tank9 and Mary Nine

This is a picture of Akemi Solloway and me 

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