Friday 6 September 2013

Nearly finished the Summer Project

At the moment I am still editing the backgroud sounds for my animation. I finished editing the voices and video part but it's nowhere near perfect. I learned a lot while working on this animation though. Thankfully my boyfriend let me use his new mac because my laptop is just too slow and keeps turning it's self off otherwise I would be nowhere near done. I made two big mistakes in my animation which I noticed afterwords. First of all I think the timing of my animation is off because I timed it from the actual DVD not the one which was sent to us on dropbox. The reason for that is because by the time I found out about it being on Dropbox it was already gone. So I just had to use the timing of the DVD which I had at home. The second mistake is that at the start of the animation I focused too much on the movement of the characters bodies and forgot about their mouth movements. But the mouth movements slightly improve as the animation goes on. This is the best I can do with this animation. I hope to learn from those mistakes and make a better animation next time. :D Oh and I used the sound effects from

I used the voices of my friends for the characters of Back to The Future:

Marty Mc Fly-                         Szczepan Sot

George Mc Fly-                      James O' Gorman

Lorraine Banes Mc Fly-          Nathan Walsh

Linda My Fly-                        Me....(there was nobody left for her part but me)

David Mc Fly-                        Kristian Walsh
Biff Tannen-                           "

Hopefully I will get the animation fully done by Monday :P This is what the animation looks like on premier pro right now :P

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