Wednesday 25 September 2013

Researching my Identity

Paul advised me to do more research because he thinks that my logo doesn't represent my Identity. He mentioned that I should take pictures of my room to help me with my research. I think that method helped me to understand my personality better.
This is the first view people have from my room when they first walk in . The most obvious thing is my bed and drum set. Straight away one can tell that I like Music and Anime. My bed sheets are always blue because it's my favourite  colour.

This picture was taken when sitting on my bed. The top of my shelves all have old art or technology projects on them I love white tigers and my Taekwondo uniform is hanging on the left. Behind the mirror is my Naruto cosplay.

This is the left side of my room. At the bottom of my bed are my two guitars. I have a desk which I never use and my  bookshelf is full of pens and art books. On the shelf are my collection of fairy  figures. I have always loved fantasy things like that.
The left door is how I get into my room and the right one goes to my bathroom. This shelf has all my mangas , Anime DVDs and some old school copies in it.The trophies at the top of the shelf are from dancing competitions from my childhood. At the age of three I started dancing and when i was eleven I stopped. I can't dance anymore though. There are also a few medals which I got from archery competitions. I have a statue of an native American on the shelf as I used to have great interest in them. My cousins and me even joined one of their dancing groups for two years and great fun.

My beloved guitars and drum set. No need to explain more here.

This shelf thing is in my bathroom and only has objects in it that  have something to do with my hair. Dyes, bleaches, scissors, gel, and stuff like that. I have gone from really really really long hair to really short hair that's why I have so many different gels. At the moment I am messing around with colours. So far I have tried pink, green, turquoise and blue.IN my whole life I only went to the hair dresser twice and that was years ago. Now I always cut my hair myself. Messing around with my hair is fun.

There are always some kind of art materials around my floor somewhere.

As one can see I am a very messy person. I have many clothes and shoes which I either bought really cheep or got them for free from friends or family. I have lots of colourful socks with faces on them.

I love my Teddys. I have many more
My favourite one is the ugly kitty which I have had since I was a baby and I still sleep with it in my arms.

So overall from looking at my room I to like:

  • Music- drums, guitar
  • Art
  • Anime, Manga, Cosplay
  • Archery (also like fenching but my sword isn't in the room)
  • Fairies (fantasy things in general)
  • Colourful things
  • Posters ( lots of them)
  • Teddys
  • Taekwondo
  • Cutting/styling my own hair
  • Interest in Native Americans

I also like:

  • Piercings- altogether I have 12
  • skulls- I have many clothes and accessories that have skulls on them

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