Monday 30 September 2013

Asian Illustrator Masako

 These images were made by an Asian artist named Masako.

I found this artist in a book . I'm not sure if it's a male or female artist so I apologise if I am wrong.

 I love that Gothic style of the characters. It's so pretty. Some images look like they are actually going to move any second, especially the left and right top image. The fire in the first one looks like it's going to fall and the second one looks like lightening crackling. It's so cool.

 I also like the way some images are sketchy like but some are more neat so they both give off a different atmosphere which suits the themes of the pictures. The sketchy ones seem more mysterious and some dangerous, whereas the more neat colourful ones give off a playful atmosphere.

 I love this artists work :D

I think these last two images were the fan art Masako made. I really like the guy with the pink hair he looks so cool and punky.

Here is a link to see more work that Masako  produced:

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