Thursday 12 September 2013

Working on The New Brief

Today I went around Limerick and took pictures of logos and typography that I thought was interesting or give me inspiration that could help me in my new brief. For the logo and typography I was thinking of using a black background and bright green writing.

 The billboard catches ones attention straight away but it's not the typography that does that but the background colours. They are appealing to the eye.
 The Hunt Museum uses simple writing that reminds me of historical things. So the writing suits it's purpose.
 I took a picture of this because it uses the way I want to make paint drip onto the letters.
 I took this picture because it uses the colours I was thinking of using. The bright pink, light blue and bright green.
 I so love the green and just everything about it. One would think green is my favourite colour but it's actually blue. But I think the bright lively green describes my personality better.
 The writing is very creative, colourful, playful and visually nice to look at. It really does describe art using just typography perfectly.
 I like this one because it does look like it could jump at you or that it could move. I love the use of colour in it it's nice to look at and suits what it is selling because it does make me think of fruits.
 I love the use of pink in the logo and writing. It doesn't look girly in this case but rather funky and modern.
 The spray paint writing has a creepy atmosphere about it. But I think that could just because of the background it is on. It appealed to me, I'm not sure why but it could be the style of the typography.
 Again the use of green caught my attention but the way the B is a Bambu tree is also a nice idea but also kind of straight forward.
 The way the foot is used in the middle of the two words is well put together.
 I liked this one because it's simple but the little swirl on the K makes a big difference and makes it look more elegant.
 I took a picture of this because this is the kind of green I am thinking of using in my logo and typography.
 The way the way the letters are used is very different and that's what I think makes it good. The name also suits to the typography as the style is very wacky in itself.
 I love the use of the bright yellow in this case. The zip logo was also used in the typography which I think is very clever. overall I think it's very eye-catching and I always liked it.
 In the Kleister piano shop it wasn't the writing that interested me it was the thing over it. The whole sign was made to look like a piano itself.
 The Eurostore did it's typography in a very clever way. The E is a euro sign and the O has the stars of Europe in it.
I found it really interesting that the writing for blades is wavy. It really brings life to the typography used. The blue background is calming and contrasts to the letters that look like they are moving like waves.
 The Pennys writing is simple but can look nice with nearly any background colour.
 This typography gives off a uniqe atmosphere. It's mysterious and the red makes it seem more dangerous.
 It's hard to see but I love the way it's painted onto the window as if a child did it. It fits in with it's theme about school.

The last picture at the bottom is my favourite that I've seen today. I'm not sure what it is but it caught my attention when I saw it in the corner of my eye while standing outside of diesel. I just had to go in and take a picture of the wall. The image of the woman goes well with the writing  and it looks like the woman is singing the words. The swirls in her hair match the swirls of the typography.

Overall I thought today was very helpful and it gave me lots of ideas for the new project.

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