Wednesday 11 September 2013

A New Year

This Monday we started the new college year and we already got two briefs to do. The one we got on Monday is basically having to do many quick drawings of the human body in motion. The brief we got today is more complicated than that.
We have to go around the city taking pictures of logos and typography and also sketch some which
we think represent our personality and capture our animation.
Then we have to design three personal logo sketches and do research about them. The logo will be our first and last name. We then must chose one to develop it further by adding detail, colour and finesse. The finished completed drawing will be used to help us recreate our digital logo.
So the main part of this brief is to design and storyboard a sequence to bring the logo to life. The animation has to be 10 seconds long and music and sound should be added where it is appropriate.
I will go around town with a camera tomorrow and take pictures of logos and typography which I like or something that reminds me of my personality.

Today David showed us clips about the history of typography an what motion design was. :D I found it very useful and I learned much more than I would have if a tutor was talking. I The video clips really kept me focused and I managed to pay full attention. I find it easier to learn things visually rather than people explaining through talking.

The thing which surprised me the most was the toblerone logo. I love the chocolate but in all my life I have never noticed the bear in the mountain, till today.

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