Monday 26 August 2013

Summer Animation Project

I finished the recording for the voices around a week ago. Luckily my friend was just after buying a recording machine thingy, so I could use that instead of my mp3. I used four friends for the voices. :P I let them have a bit of freedom to decide what they wanted the character to sound like and I just agreed with them when I thought it was good to use. Recording was fun as sometimes lots of lines were completely mixed around or we just burst out laughing, I have a lot of editing to do though ha ha. Right now I am putting the pictures into movie maker in the order of the movie. As there are so many different angles most of my pictures were mixed up. I'm pretty sure my Back to The Future DVD is going to break by the amount of times I have already played back and forth. 

I broke my scene into four parts. The part where Marty walks into the house, the breakfast scene (is in two parts) and the part where Marty wakes up. Once the pictures are put in order I will import them into premier pro and add the voices and background sounds to it. The reason I broke it into four parts is because my laptop is very slow especially when i keep adding more pictures into movie maker and also because it will be easier to edit. Hopefully anyway. 

When my Summer Project Animation is fully completed I will start editing the dancing octopus animation
(it will only be around a minute and a half though).

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