Monday 30 September 2013

Asian Illustrator Foo Midori

This Japanese artist creates fascinating images. If I had to describe the artists work in one word I would say that it's Magical. The characters in the images all look like they come from adventures fantasy worlds, which is what makes them so interesting. These art pieces are so worth looking at. They are so beautiful.
I couldn't upload a few of the images to show the artists work so here is the link to look at Foo Midori's work:

Asian Illustrator Masako

 These images were made by an Asian artist named Masako.

I found this artist in a book . I'm not sure if it's a male or female artist so I apologise if I am wrong.

 I love that Gothic style of the characters. It's so pretty. Some images look like they are actually going to move any second, especially the left and right top image. The fire in the first one looks like it's going to fall and the second one looks like lightening crackling. It's so cool.

 I also like the way some images are sketchy like but some are more neat so they both give off a different atmosphere which suits the themes of the pictures. The sketchy ones seem more mysterious and some dangerous, whereas the more neat colourful ones give off a playful atmosphere.

 I love this artists work :D

I think these last two images were the fan art Masako made. I really like the guy with the pink hair he looks so cool and punky.

Here is a link to see more work that Masako  produced:

Friday 27 September 2013

Draw with me- Animation

Years ago one of my old friends showed me this video and I have loved it since. I love the effects in the animation and the story is really cute.It's worth having a look. I forgot about this video for a while until my friend Ash mentioned it today. :) I just thought I should put it up because I really like it.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Working on my Ideas

Today I thought of ideas for my storyboard. So Jenny and me started looking at other animation logos out there. We noticed that most of them are kind of simple as they just zoom in and out or make a shine. Nearly all of them are around 3 to 5 seconds long. Here is one of the animation logos that we looked at this morning:

Looking at other logo animations was really helpful. 

A few weeks ago I actually came across a video that reminded me of part of my idea for the storyboard. I want to use dripping or running paint to connect the scenes together and in this animation it uses the Red string of fate to connect the scenes. I really like the style the two characters are drawn in. Even though I hate the song I enjoy watching it. I think that could also be because there is a story in the animation and that's what makes it interesting. It doesn't look like it was an over-complicated animation but it was all put together very nicely. I really love it for some reason.

 There is also a version with real people it's kinda creepy and amazing how similar they are.

Typography Animation

My friend Jenny found the video which I mention before about 3D typography. I don't usually like typography but I really like this video and the song is very catchy. So catchy Jenny and me keep singing the chorus of it since Paul, our tutor showed it to us. The animations in it are great and entertaining. 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Researching my Identity

Paul advised me to do more research because he thinks that my logo doesn't represent my Identity. He mentioned that I should take pictures of my room to help me with my research. I think that method helped me to understand my personality better.
This is the first view people have from my room when they first walk in . The most obvious thing is my bed and drum set. Straight away one can tell that I like Music and Anime. My bed sheets are always blue because it's my favourite  colour.

This picture was taken when sitting on my bed. The top of my shelves all have old art or technology projects on them I love white tigers and my Taekwondo uniform is hanging on the left. Behind the mirror is my Naruto cosplay.

This is the left side of my room. At the bottom of my bed are my two guitars. I have a desk which I never use and my  bookshelf is full of pens and art books. On the shelf are my collection of fairy  figures. I have always loved fantasy things like that.
The left door is how I get into my room and the right one goes to my bathroom. This shelf has all my mangas , Anime DVDs and some old school copies in it.The trophies at the top of the shelf are from dancing competitions from my childhood. At the age of three I started dancing and when i was eleven I stopped. I can't dance anymore though. There are also a few medals which I got from archery competitions. I have a statue of an native American on the shelf as I used to have great interest in them. My cousins and me even joined one of their dancing groups for two years and great fun.

My beloved guitars and drum set. No need to explain more here.

This shelf thing is in my bathroom and only has objects in it that  have something to do with my hair. Dyes, bleaches, scissors, gel, and stuff like that. I have gone from really really really long hair to really short hair that's why I have so many different gels. At the moment I am messing around with colours. So far I have tried pink, green, turquoise and blue.IN my whole life I only went to the hair dresser twice and that was years ago. Now I always cut my hair myself. Messing around with my hair is fun.

There are always some kind of art materials around my floor somewhere.

As one can see I am a very messy person. I have many clothes and shoes which I either bought really cheep or got them for free from friends or family. I have lots of colourful socks with faces on them.

I love my Teddys. I have many more
My favourite one is the ugly kitty which I have had since I was a baby and I still sleep with it in my arms.

So overall from looking at my room I to like:

  • Music- drums, guitar
  • Art
  • Anime, Manga, Cosplay
  • Archery (also like fenching but my sword isn't in the room)
  • Fairies (fantasy things in general)
  • Colourful things
  • Posters ( lots of them)
  • Teddys
  • Taekwondo
  • Cutting/styling my own hair
  • Interest in Native Americans

I also like:

  • Piercings- altogether I have 12
  • skulls- I have many clothes and accessories that have skulls on them

Monday 23 September 2013

Talk about our Logo Brief

We got a talk about Our logo Brief today and our tutor showed us key points on a power point to help us think of a logo. He mentioned that overall our group is not doing enough research. 

Some important Key Points:

  • Keep in mind what's interesting to you as an audience
  • Simplify and focus
  • What's your character good at, comfortable with? Throw the opposite at them!
  • Let it go if it's not perfect. No work is ever wasted.
  • Make a List of Don'ts
  • Know yourself
  • Pull apart the stories you like
  • Put it on paper
  • Get the obvious out of the way. Surprise yourself!
  • Got to identify the situations
  • What's the essence of the Brand?

I think those key points will help me when I will do further research for this project. Afterwards he showed us videos about good stories as some key points were more based on story writing rather than making a logo. He showed us the start of  the Movie 'UP' which has very good storytelling and it needs no explanations as it is explained visually. This clip was also shown:

I put that video in because I find it funny :P

Paul said that the logo idea which I had didn't represent me in anyway and told me that the logo doesn't have to involve my initials. I thought my initials had to be part of the logo so I will do more research from now on.  I was told to write a list of things which I like so I am working on that right now. Later on today when I get home I will take pictures of my room, clothes and some of my stuff because those things are all part of what I am. 

Researching Animation Video's

Today our tutor showed us lots of different animations clips some were Stop motions, one was puppetry(Kermit the frog), combinations (such as The Gorillaz videos) , digital, claymations and drawing. We were also shown an animation which just had a few typography logos in it but it was done really well. That video really proves that music is important. I can't remember what it was called though...

The Dare music video by The Gorillaz is one example that was showed of combined animation that our tutor showed us. I have always loved The Gorillaz video's. For some reason the only thing I remembered from this video is the black guy sitting on the toilet....I've no idea why.

This is the second time a tutor showed me this video, before I forgot the name of it but this time I wrote it down.It's worth having a look at as it is very unique. It uses google maps and that is already completely different from other animations.

But overall I think the most weirdest animations I have ever seen so far are the music videos for the Band Tool. Here are two of them:



Sunday 22 September 2013

Dripping paint onto my Letters once more

There is me (excuse my messy hair) setting up the letters so they wont fall over when the paint drips down onto them. I put the bottom page at an angle so the paint will drip down. So today I tried dripping the paint onto the letters two more times. They are slightly better then my first two tries but they still aren't what I wanted.

When I did it the first time today I missed putting the paint onto my first name. Apart from that it was good. I added more water to the paint and it ran down nicely on the page. The second time I tried would have been even better....but the battery of the camera died halfway through. I wasn't bothered to try again because the cleaning up part takes a lot of effort as the paint is very messy.

Friday 20 September 2013

Tank9: Nom-con 2013

:P The Nom-con video Tank9 and Mary Nine made is done. They came the whole way from america to make this. I really like it although I am kinda embarrassed to be in it. I was the Naruto.... :P i love Tank9's style of clothes. :D Anyway I also like it because my friends are in it too :D and other nice people I met that day. :D

Minjae Lee- Artist

My friend Jenny sent me this link on facebook about this amazing Korean artist called Minjae Lee.
He is only 24 and his work is really good. These are the kind of drawings I am interested in. I have never liked proper life drawings as I prefer to draw things from my head...mostly anime characters I create and stuff like that. I especially like how colourful his paintings are and they are so detailed and I would gladly go to one of his exhibitions. It's really worth having a look at his work it's so beautiful.

Here are links to see his work:

Facebook:                                                            Webpage:         

Life Drawing classes

Today we had a very unusual life drawing class. Instead of drawing the full model we had to sit opposite of each other and draw the person who faces you. But by only using the line and without looking at what we were drawing. We had to follow what we were looking at with our eyes and draw them onto the page. The outcomes were hilarious and looked like monsters.

After the life drawing class two students and me stayed behind, actually only to have break but then we ended up in an other life drawing class but this one was even more fun. Because there was three of us, one person was the model, one was blindfolded and had to draw the model while the other person gives instructions. The third person was not allowed  to mention the actual body parts that need to be drawn, but describe it in other words. So far it was the most fun Life drawing class which I had.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Working on my Typography

 Yesterday I was working on my typography so I spelled out my name using Newplast. I used thin wire to keep up the dots of the I's. I tried to record myself splashing paint onto the letters, but if was a fail.

The picture above was taken after my first try of splashing the paint. The outcome was good but the video was terrible because I could see my shadows and the buckets of paint too. The pink paint also needed to be watered down more because it was too thick and wouldn't drip properly. So that was a complete fail.
After having washed the letters and boards I tried it once more. The boards lost some of their black paint though so there were some smudges on the board in the other video.

The second time it worked slightly better and you almost couldn't see my shadow but the force of the paint falling made the S fall over straight away. Apart from that it was nearly good enough. The paint was running better this time. The picture I took makes it look more gorey than it actually was in person. I will try the paint thing again when I get home on the weekend. Hopefully it will work out better on Sunday.


Monday 16 September 2013

Working on Typography and logos in my Sketchbook

I looked at logos and typography online and around Limerick of which I drew some into my sketchbook.

I wrote a little bit about why I found the logos and the typography interesting or what inspired me to think of new ideas for the own logo which I will have to create by next week. Today I was messing around with the leftover Newplast which I have at home and spelled out my name. A thin layer of blue or black might go over it . 

I am raging because I didn't get much done today. Tomorrow I will bring my laptop or just go home earlier and work on the practical stuff.

Colour Wheel

Last week my tutor showed me a good website to look at colours and the way they can contrast each other and stuff like that. I just thought I should put up the link for it.

Here it is:             

Friday 13 September 2013

Little Colour Survey

I asked a few friends on facebook that if I was a colour which one would I be.

Here are the answers:

  • Yellow  10                                     As one can see Yellow came in first place, Blue,  Green 
  • Orange  6                                       and Pink are in 2nd place. Orange and Purple came 3rd.
  • Red       4
  • Pink       8
  • Violet     2
  • Blue       8                                       
  • Green     8                                       Everyone but one said I am a bright colour because I always 
  • Black     1                                       seem happy.
  • Purple    6
  • Navy     2
  • Rainbow  3                                            

Thursday 12 September 2013

Working on The New Brief

Today I went around Limerick and took pictures of logos and typography that I thought was interesting or give me inspiration that could help me in my new brief. For the logo and typography I was thinking of using a black background and bright green writing.

 The billboard catches ones attention straight away but it's not the typography that does that but the background colours. They are appealing to the eye.
 The Hunt Museum uses simple writing that reminds me of historical things. So the writing suits it's purpose.
 I took a picture of this because it uses the way I want to make paint drip onto the letters.
 I took this picture because it uses the colours I was thinking of using. The bright pink, light blue and bright green.
 I so love the green and just everything about it. One would think green is my favourite colour but it's actually blue. But I think the bright lively green describes my personality better.
 The writing is very creative, colourful, playful and visually nice to look at. It really does describe art using just typography perfectly.
 I like this one because it does look like it could jump at you or that it could move. I love the use of colour in it it's nice to look at and suits what it is selling because it does make me think of fruits.
 I love the use of pink in the logo and writing. It doesn't look girly in this case but rather funky and modern.
 The spray paint writing has a creepy atmosphere about it. But I think that could just because of the background it is on. It appealed to me, I'm not sure why but it could be the style of the typography.
 Again the use of green caught my attention but the way the B is a Bambu tree is also a nice idea but also kind of straight forward.
 The way the foot is used in the middle of the two words is well put together.
 I liked this one because it's simple but the little swirl on the K makes a big difference and makes it look more elegant.
 I took a picture of this because this is the kind of green I am thinking of using in my logo and typography.
 The way the way the letters are used is very different and that's what I think makes it good. The name also suits to the typography as the style is very wacky in itself.
 I love the use of the bright yellow in this case. The zip logo was also used in the typography which I think is very clever. overall I think it's very eye-catching and I always liked it.
 In the Kleister piano shop it wasn't the writing that interested me it was the thing over it. The whole sign was made to look like a piano itself.
 The Eurostore did it's typography in a very clever way. The E is a euro sign and the O has the stars of Europe in it.
I found it really interesting that the writing for blades is wavy. It really brings life to the typography used. The blue background is calming and contrasts to the letters that look like they are moving like waves.
 The Pennys writing is simple but can look nice with nearly any background colour.
 This typography gives off a uniqe atmosphere. It's mysterious and the red makes it seem more dangerous.
 It's hard to see but I love the way it's painted onto the window as if a child did it. It fits in with it's theme about school.

The last picture at the bottom is my favourite that I've seen today. I'm not sure what it is but it caught my attention when I saw it in the corner of my eye while standing outside of diesel. I just had to go in and take a picture of the wall. The image of the woman goes well with the writing  and it looks like the woman is singing the words. The swirls in her hair match the swirls of the typography.

Overall I thought today was very helpful and it gave me lots of ideas for the new project.