Thursday 3 October 2013

Takato Shinozaki- Asian Artist

Takato Shinozaki's work is a little similar to the work of the previous artist which I mentioned called Hippe. They both seem to use watercolour. I think Takato Shinozaki's work goes on postcards but I'm not sure. Either way I think his work is very pretty and he/she is very skilled when it comes to watercolours. I have always loved using watercolour myself so that's probably also one of the reasons why I like the artists work. His/ her use of colours are put together nicely too. The pastel coloured images give off a calming fairytale atmosphere whereas the more bright colours make the images seem more dramatic and exciting. all images have their own feel to them because of the skilled way the artist used his/her colours. It also reminds me of the more.traditional asian paintings.

This images has a mysterious aura to it. I wouldn't call it a sad image as it has a colourful rainbow in it  but I wouldn't call it a happy image either. The female character looks like she is deeply thinking abut something.

This image has a dream-like feel to it. The character looks like it's being brought to a different universe. This alone is what makes this picture interesting to me.

I find this image really cute. At first I only noticed the hair piece but after looking at it again I noticed the two faces behind it. This picture has a warm kind of feeling t it.

This image gives off a cold lonely atmosphere but at the same time it also seems hopeful. The character almost seems like she is waiting or looking for something. The winter outside is looks cold  but the flowers could mean the arrival of spring which is the time of a new year and a chance to hope for better. 

Here is a link to see more of this artists work:

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