Thursday 3 October 2013

Logo Brief Storyboard

This was my original storyboard. It starts from left to right. The first part was just going to be a recording of paint dripping onto my name and then reversing it. My name was made with blue New Plast. I wanted to add something like a luma effect to it but in the end I didn't cos I didn't have enough time to get it right.

The second part was also going to be a recording. The figure is me. this part needs to be mirrored in the animation as I noticed my fringe was on the wrong side. And yes, my hair is blue in parts in real life.

The third part was cut out as I didn't really need it and I didn't have enough time to record that anyway. The fourth part is probably the most important because it contains the final logo. The background is going to be black. I was just to lazy to colour it in.

A few things are different in the actual animation but not much. The idea is still the same. 

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