Friday 21 February 2014

Sound Design Brief

For this Brief we have to take around a 60 second clip of movie and completely get rid of the original audio and put other audio in ourselves. We could either split up into groups our work on this Brief ourselves.The finished piece needs to be handed up on the 10th of April.

I am in a group with Jennifer White and we will be working on a part of the opening scene of the first Lion King movie. I am currently looking up sings which I could use for the end of the clip to make it even more dramatic. At the start we were thinking of having my friend Ash quietly sing in the background , badly. We plan to turn Simba into some kind of omen as we noticed that it looks like Raffiki is purifying him when shaking the coconut-looking things over Simba. It reminds of us when Priest say 'The Christ CompelsYou!' and splash the holy water on things.  Not only that but Simba is presented to his animal army which will belong to him when he grows up. All this kind of makes him seem like a Dark Lord. :D I am looking forward to this project.

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