Sunday 2 February 2014

Cowboy Bebop Movie Review Scene

This week the movie choices were : Alphaville, Brazil, Primer, Raging Bull and Cowboy Bebop. Even though after watching two episodes of the Series Cowboy Bebop and not liking it, I found that the trailer for the movie seemed the most interesting to me out of all the other choices. So this week I have decided to do the movie scene review of Cowboy Bebop.

First of all, this movie is epic. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would and there is good music throughout the whole film.The movie was released in 2001 and was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe. The screenplay was written by Keiko Nobumoto, based on the Cowboy Bebop anime series created by Sunrise. Another name for the movie is Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door which was taken from the Bob Dylan song. The character Vincent is also based on Bob Dylan himself.The executive producer for the movie is Takayuki Yoshi.

The story starts of just a few days before Halloween and it is the year 2071. Spike Spiegel is a bounty hunter who works with Jet Black, Faye Valentine and Edward on the vessel Bebop to find a criminal who is planning on killing the population by spreading an unknown virus that has been placed inside of marbels and can spread like dust. They cross paths with a crazy hacker (Lee Sampson) and an ex-military man(Vincent Volaju) that is stated to already be dead according to the records which Ed finds. But there is more to Vincent which the characters discover throughout the movie. Just like in the movie Paprika the question "is this the real world?" is being asked.

Review Scene: 

Originally I was thinking of writing about the scene where Ed and Ein (the pet dog) search for Lee Sampson. . I'm not sure why but maybe because I like the character Ed. The scene is a little too short though to write a movie review about so in the end I didn't pick it. 

I found it hard to pick a scene from this movie. The last three I decided to chose from were the opening scene, ending scene and the train scene in the middle. I thought that train scenes are in many movies so I decided not to pick it. The ending scene is very important and I like it but I don't want to ruin the movie for people who haven't watched it yet. In the end I decided to pick the opening scene which doesn't ruin the story but tells about the main character and his job. The scene is just over four minutes long. After that the title sequence starts.

The scene I chose starts off with Spike being woken up by Jet's voice. He then walks towards a little convenience store where a guy is guarding the door. 

The scene cuts back to the inside of the store where the main criminal is pointing a gun at an employee at the till. Once he fires a shot the scene cuts back to where Jet is, which is outside at the side of the shop. He talks through the walki talki to Spike who is walking towards the shop entrance.

The scene goes back to the inside of the shop to the criminals in the convenience store. At the same time Spike gets closer to the shop's entrance. When he stand in front of the big criminal guard at the entrance he distracts him by looking down and then kicks him and makes him pass out.

The scene goes back to the main criminal threatening the employee. Then Spike walks in listening to his headphones and not paying any attention to the main criminal pointing a gun towards him. The main criminal gets annoyed and walks away from the till towards Spike. Spike distracts him with a party cracker and then side-kicks him once in the groin then shin and then a turning kick into the face. The main criminal gets thrown pack into a coffee machine by the force of the kick. Spike turns on the coffee machine and the hot liquid runs over the main criminals face. 

The criminal in the orange jacket runs towards Spike and tries to shoot him. At the same time jet breaks through the ventilation shaft of the shop and punches the other long haired criminal into the stomach. Spike pulls the criminal in the orange jacket over the shelf of the shop and makes him fall onto the shelf on the other side. 

Jet puts chains on the long-haired criminals hands. Spike eats a doughnut. Suddenly a fifth criminal walks out of the bathroom. Spike and Jet didn't know about him. The criminal runs towards a granny and hold a gun at her head. Jet drops the gun like he is asked to but Spike points it at the criminal and hoots his shoulder. The criminal falls to the floor and the granny is free. The scene ends with Spike looking all cool spinning his gun in his hand trick. 


In this scene we only get to see two of the main characters. Those are Spike Spiegel and Jet Black. The other characters are four criminals robbing a shop and the extras in the background and costumers of the shop. 
Spike Spiegel enters the scene the very first second he has messy hair maybe suggesting he can be quite lazy when he wants to be. His clothes are very ordinary. 

The main criminal at the till is very plain clothes and doesn't look like anything special. The glasses make him look smart like a detective or cop. Unlike the other criminals he looks like the only one who had proper education.

The till employee is wearing the green uniform of the shop. She looks like an ordinary person who has encountered such a situation for the first time. The granny also looks like just any ordinary granny.

Other two criminals are shown around one minute into the movie pointing their guns at costumers. The one in the orange jackets gets knocked out by Spike and the long hair by jet.

The criminal guarding the shop looks big and strong but seems stupid as he falls for Spike's trick and passes out first before the other criminals. 

Jet Black comes into the scene as soon as the first gun is fired, around 50 seconds into the scene, standing outside at the side of the store. He looks like a strong body builder who was trained in the army. He isn't shown again till around 2.25 minutes into the scene as he breaks through the ventilation shaft of the shop and enters the scene properly. 

The last criminal enters the scene around 2.50 minutes into the movie after having spend all the time in the bathroom without Spike and Jet knowing. He gets shot into the shoulder by Spike. 


The scene starts off inside the vessel of Bebop where Spike and Jet live, although not much of the vessel is shown. It then shows Spike's legs walking through a street towards a small convenience store. Most of the scene happens in the colourful convenience shop apart from Jet standing at the side of the shop outside when he first enters the scene. 


The fan which reveals Spike's sleeping face at the start might suggest that he is in a location where air conditioning is needed. 

When Spike walks to the shop we can see an urban- looking street that doesn't look like the safest place to be in. 

When the outside of the shop is shown we are given small details about it due to signs at the window. For example that it is open 24 hours and that it sells doughnuts and cola.

There is a strong contrast to dark street scene and the colourful interior of the little convenience shop. 

Inside of the shop we see a pumpkin balloon in the background, suggesting that Halloween is soon. The costumers don't seem to notice the threat of the criminal at the till yet, as they are casually doing their shopping. 

The first time Jet appears there is a ventilation fan of the shop behind him. This is probably the one he crawls through to get into the shop. 

When the other two criminals are shown one of them is drinking a drink while pointing a gun at a costumer, this could suggest he is taking it easy and that this is a normal, everyday job for him. 

Camera shots: 
  1. Face close up of Spike's profile asleep
  2. Camera going from right to left following Spike's lower legs walking
  3. Establishing shot of convenience store with criminal guarding the entrance
  4. Worm's eye shot of main criminal holding a gun and looking down at the till woman. The background is like a fisheye lens
  5. Medium close up of the employee's face with her arms up
  6. A mix of a Fisheye lens and a dutch tilt of the shop
  7. A medium profile of Jet is shown somewhere near the side of the shop.
  8. Shot of Spike's legs walking towards the shop. The camera is the view that his shoes would have.
  9. Dutch tilt of the shop. Two criminals are pointing their guns at costumers. 
  10. Extreme close up of main criminal hitting lightly against the side of a security machine with his gun.
  11. Medium shot of main criminal and employees' profiles.
  12. Birds eye shot and dutch tilt of Spike walking closer to the entrance of the shop.
  13. Medium shot of Spike in front of the guard criminal at the entrance.
  14. Point of perspective of the guard criminal of Spike's kick.
  15. Quick low-angle shot of the street houses and the the sky.
  16. Medium close up of employee and main criminal.
  17. Camera moves from left to right where Spike enters the shop wearing headphones.
  18. Low-angle of main criminal on the table pointing a gun at Spike who just walked in and employee is behind the till with her arms still up.  
  19. Quick shot of a row in the shop
  20. Point of perspective of main criminal looking at Spike
  21. Medium shot of main criminal getting a party cracker into his face
  22. Birds eye of Spike kicking the main criminal
  23. Worms eye of main criminal hitting into a coffee machine
  24. Wide shot of other criminal running through shop lane.
  25. Point of Perspective (kind of) of criminal in orange jacket shooting at Spike.
  26. View of ventilation shaft and Jet bursting through.
  27. Over the shoulder shot of Jet punching the long-haired criminal into the stomach.
  28. Wide shot of criminal in the orange jacket pointing his gun at Spike
  29. close up of Criminal in the orange jacket's hand reaching over the shelf and Spikes Hands grabbing them. 
  30. Low-angle shot of Spike pulling the criminal over the shelf. 
  31. Low-angle of Jet putting chains the long-haired criminal's hands.
  32. Medium shot of Spike eating a doughnut.
  33. Medium shot of Jet
  34. Wide shot of the last criminal coming out of the bathroom
  35. Medium shot of Spike 
  36. Medium shot of Jet
  37. Wide shot of last criminal running towards granny and pointing a gun towards her. 
  38. Medium shot of Spike
  39. High-angle shot of interior of the store
  40. Medium shot of Jet putting down his gun
  41. Medium shot of Spike taking out his gun and pointing it at Jet
  42. Medium shot of last criminal pointing gun at granny
  43. Fish eye lens of a wide shot of criminal and Spike
  44. Medium shot of Spike 
  45. Medium side shot of criminal
  46. Close up of Spikes gun being fired
  47. Medium shot of granny and criminal
  48. Low-angle shot of criminal falling to the ground
  49. Fisheye lense through birds eye shot of the situation
  50. Close up of Spike showing off his gun twirl

Sound and Music:

The music throughout the whole movie is great. There are all different type of music genres to be heard such as: Country, Jazz , Rock and funk are just some examples. 

The scene starts off with the sound of a fan and Jet's voice calling Spike. In the background unsettling music is playing. The music reminds me of a clock ticking. 

The sound of a passing car brings the scene from the main base to a urban street scene. 

Once the interior of the shop is shown we hear a conversation between the employee and main criminal. In the background we hear some quiet calming classical song played on the radio in the shop. Throughout the middle of the scene the music in the shop becomes more dramatic.

The gun being fired breaks the calm atmosphere that was in the shop.

When we see Spike's legs walk towards the entrance of the shop we hear Jet's voice speaking to him through a walki talki. 

Once th efirst criminal is down the music in the shop changes and becomes happier and reminds me of music that would be found in arcades. The music is only played quietly in the background.The playful music could suggest that to Spike this is all just a like a game. 

All the other sound effects such as footsteps, doors opening,cans rolling, sound of kicks and punches and toilet flushing, for example,  are put together well. The timing is good. 

The sound volume of the gun firing and glass breaking is much louder than all the other sounds and makes one jump which adds to the dramatic effect of the scene.

What I liked/not liked. Why? What I would/wouldn't I change?

I hate the woman's voice that works at the till, It's so annoying. It's way too high pitch. I would love to change that if I could. Apart from that I think this scene couldn't get anymore awesome than it already is. This scene makes Spike look like a really cool character. After having watched this movie I might consider trying to watch the series of Cowboy bebop Properly this time.

Parts of this scene are similar of how I want my Short Animation to be like. Such as a dodgy- looking streets, fighting scenes and the view of just Spike's legs walking. 

Here is the scene which I chose: 

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