Tuesday 4 February 2014

Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) - Gallery

This time when I looked at our college gallery I saw some work which I really liked. Most of them were done by the painting students. Here are the ones which I liked most:

Ruth Denham- Painting

The size of this painting was around six A1 sheets put together. I like the black and white colour panel that was used. The image looks like it has a story to it which I think makes it very interesting. It makes me want to know more about the girl in the painting.

Peter Bradley- Painting

This painting was also roughly about six A1 sheets put together. What I like about this painting is that the border of the image isn't straight and that it fades away. It reminds of when in movies people have flashbacks and the border of the frame is never really clear but faded. 

Rachel Rose- Painting 

I put my friend in the photo to show the size of the painting. The contrast between light and dark work really well in this painting. It is painted so well it almost looks realistic. 

Stephen Mannix-Year One 

This was also a big painting. Seeing it up clothes I thought it just looked like really messy trees but when looking at it from a distance I thought that it actually looked like it had a lot of depth, as if you could walk into the painting. I think that's the reason why it appealed to me.

Eva Byrne- Printmaking 

The style of these images are really interesting and I like them.

The last image on the right  is one of my favourite of these four. I like the unique style and the way the character looks like she has attitude just from the way she is standing.

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