Wednesday 5 February 2014

Life Drawing- Skeletal Forms

For this exercise we were told to focus on the head, chest and pelvis as they are the main masses of the body which are all joined together by the spine but they still move independently of each other. 

For this particular exercise we were told to look at people in photographs or magazines and draw them as skeletons. This was to help us focus more on were the body parts all join which will help us with Life drawing i the long run. These were drawn with pencil.

For this one we had to lightly use shapes (which are hard to see in this image) to help us get the poses of the model right. We had to pay close attention to the chest and pelvis and the spine which connects them. This was drawn using pencil.

Here a a few quick one minute sketches which were done using charcoal (which I find really hard to use). We were told to just focus on the body forms. 

The two drawings on the left, right and bottom left were ten minute drawings-which I found really hard because I kept finishing too early and the figure got too dark.

For this one we had to focus once more on the skeleton form rather than the shapes of the figure.

For the last three drawings a skeleton model was placed beside the real model and we had to draw them both while thinking of their structure and shapes.

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