Tuesday 25 February 2014

Panel Analysis of Nemesis

Nemesis was written by Mark Millar and drawn by Steve McNiven. 

These are the two panels which I chose to analyse. 

Background story: 
The story is about an evil villain who travels great distances around the world to kill the best police officers, while causing death and destruction, until he reaches a specific time and date and then moves on to his next victim in a new town. 

Character Analysis: 
Nemesis is the villain of the story and the main character. He is always dressed in a white costume which makes him very recognizable throughout the comic. Nemesis looks just like a white, bad version of Batman. In this panel he is trying to get the attention of the main chief of Washington DC by taking over the plane in which the President is traveling in. The only reason he wants to crash the plane and kill the president is so that the Chief has more of a reason to look for him. In the first panel we see his concentrated face as he is trying to fly a plane without properly knowing how to. The fact that he is killing lots of people while landing the plane doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest.

The fact that a bodyguard is covering a person in the fourth panel is the only thing which reveals who the President is.

Victims are shown in nearly every panel except for the first and last panel. I noticed that the person who looks into the car mirror in the second panel looks like the victim running in the sixth panel.

The scene starts off with Nemesis in a cockpit. and then moves on to a person in a car watching the plane hurdle towards them. Then we see the plane drive through the city while lots of people are trying to run away from it. It then shows the inside of the plane where the president is being guarded by his bodyguard. The plane crashes onto a motorway that leads to a tunnel.The location of this scene is a street in Washington DC in the afternoon.

This panels are mostly about the plane crashing and people running away to save themselves. Only in the second panel do the victims realise that they are in danger. From then on everyone starts to run away from the plane.

In the first panel there are blood splashes from the pilots which Nemesis killed.

Camera shots:
  1. Close up of Nemesis steering the plane.
  2. Point of view
  3. Wide low-angle shot or point of view.
  4. Dutch tilt low-angle.
  5. Wide\ motion shot.
  6. Wide shot or point of view.
  7. Bird eye view of the plane going through the tunnel and wings breaks off and explode.

What I like and what I didn't like and why? 
Overall I didn't like this comic. I felt like that the story was too vague and over-exaggerated at times. In particular the part were Nemesis fights 97 police men by himself, it's a bit silly. I also don't like Nemesis Costume it looks too much like Batman's, but maybe it was ment to be like that. What I do like about it are the detailed drawings, especially the backgrounds of the city. 

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