Thursday 30 April 2015

Work Experience update

Nothing much really happened since my last post. There is also no work I can currently show due to confidential matters. The last week and a half have been tough. My laptop kept blue screening, since its 5 years old, it doesn't surprise me.As my laptop was slowly dying I decided to buy an external hard drive to back everything up on. Due to the amazing luck I have with technology that external hard drive turned out to be faulty. All my video files that I was working on for the Diamond Glaze Video and images I was going to use for the Presentation were on it but it wouldn't let me access them. After a few days of my friends struggling to extract files at least some were saved and I was able to continue the video editing. On top of that I also caught a cold, which I am still trying to recover from. It wasn't really a bad week I just have absolutely no luck with technology whatsoever. 

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