Tuesday 5 May 2015

Continuation of Work Placement Progress

Since my last update there hasn't been much new stuff. I have been designing a few logos, which I am unable to show at the moment, but I spent most of  last week  focusing on editing the Diamond Glaze video that the staff of Cork Marketing and me made ourselves (without any proper equipment). Editing the video was really tough since I had over three hours of footage and I had to somehow shorten it to less than 10 minutes. That was a very hard to do. On top of that I had technical difficulties with my laptop and a new external hard drive I bought. It took us several days to somehow extract the files of the faulty external hard drive so the making of this video was delayed. I finally managed to finish the video editing and I will put it up sometime today. Getting suitable non-copyrighted music was also hard. Most songs were too short or way to techno or changed too dramatically throughout it. By working on this video I refreshed my After Effects and Premier Pro skills and I learnt how to blur out number plates of cars. The biggest thing I learnt from making this video is that I do not want to become a video editor. 

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