Monday 2 December 2013

Working on the Christmas Card Animation

Here are a four screen shots of different parts throughout my animation. I am a few days behind the due date because I just only recently recovered from my kidney infection and head cold. :D Now I am all better. YAY!!! Anyway, my storyboard is slightly different from the finished animation.

It was only meant to have trees and snow in the background, but I felt that it looked too empty so I added the city behind the trees. Personally I think it looks much better than it did with just trees.

I could have probably made the trees a bit more detailed if I had more time but then it might take away from the Oxen. 

Some parts in my animation are a bit fast like the scene where Santa reveals his true identity and when the Oxen land. 

The yellow of the buildings are a completely different yellow on this mac than on my laptop...they weren't meant to be so bright they are actually the same colour as the moon. Another problem I had was that the video went a tiny bit blurry when I imported into premier pro but apart from that I think it wash"t too bad. It could always be better but I learned more things on Flash and I am glad to be finished. Now I can focus on my exam…which is tomorrow… ;( 

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