Wednesday 11 December 2013

New Brief- Animated Short

After the Christmas holidays we will get a new Brief. This Brief is much longer than the ones we had before. It runs over 15 weeks (excluding Christmas) and it links in with the creative writing which we did last week.

We have to take certain aspects from the stories we already wrote and create our own story for the new animation. The previous creative writing workshops were just a way to help us get started.

The animation must be from 2 to 3.5 minutes long.

The Concept and Narrative will be 25%

Storyboard and Assets 25%

Presentation and Practical Skills 50%

Here is some animation Research from links that were at the end of the brief we got:

I like the traditional way of animation like in the video below. 

The video was on this websites : 

This animation has a really cool style. There are more cool shorts like this one on the following link:

This video reminds me of the Gorillaz Music Videos

This video contains great imagination.

This animation is very unique and interesting. 

The backgrounds in this animation are so beautiful. 

Other useful links:


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