Thursday 7 November 2013

Christmas Animation Research

Here are some completely different types of christmas animations with different styles and ways they were made which I looked at. Some I like more than others. Looking up christmas animations will help me think of ideas for my own animation. 

This one seems simple enough but effective.

I just put this one on because I thought it was really cute. 

I love Simon's Cat videos

I like the style this one was done in.

It seems so mysterious at the start and for some reason I was electing aliens or something like that. I love the background.
I would have never thought of the Grim Reaper during christmas. 
The snowman looks cute.

This is something I would probably have never thought of. 

 This one is cute.

                                                                   Paper cuts outs

This one is really cool and creepy and reminds me of the nightmare before christmas

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