Tuesday 13 October 2015

Donkey The Dusty Research

For the next project we have to pitch visual ideas for the stories written by Pauline Ryan about Dusty the Donkey. For this project the class was split in groups of three. I have Eamonn O' Connor and Ross Murphy-Cooke in my group.

We researched children's books and movies to get ideas. At the moment we are still at the experimenting with different materials stage.

Here is a watercolour picture I painted over the weekend for the background. I just wanted to see if it would be suitable to use or not. The original image is much brighter this is just  quick photo of it.

This is from Eamonn's sketch book. I decided to quickly try and combine my background and one of his Donkey's too see would it work well together visually, and I like the outcome. 

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