Tuesday 19 May 2015

Presentation Video

This is a video I made for my college presentation. It shows all my experiences while I was away for work placement. Since a lot of my work that I did at Cork Marketing was still confidential the presentation focuses more on the time I spend with my colleagues rather than the work itself. I apologize for the bad quality of the voice over due to lack of proper recording equipment.

I don't own the rights to any music and most of the sound effects and music are from http://freesound.org/

Sherkin Media Logo

 This is one of the few Logo's, which I did at work experience, were I closely worked together with my colleague, Roderick. I found that this was one of the hardest logos to design and took the longest. Sherkin Media create not only websites for their clients but they also help to promote their clients work. We went through many different Ideas before we decided on the final piece. the company Sherkin Media was named after Sherkin Island so we first thought of ways to somehow link the Logo with Sherkin Island. This Idea did not work out well at all since the whole concept of the company changed and it seemed more like a farming company. 

I also tried various ways trying to get Sherkin Island into the background of the logo but they ended up looking more like scout badges so those ideas were scrapped. 

I thought of adding a metal texture making it a bit more modern but it still didn't look right. 

We wanted the logo to be sharp and edgy so we thought about paper windmills. We then made one in the studio and took a picture of it which was then edited and made more sharp in Photoshop.

Here is the paper windmill we made. 

here is what it looked like after editing. 

The metal windmill looked ok by itself but not with text. We continued to think o new ideas together and I tried them out. 

Since my work experience was coming to an end we decided to pick this out of the ideas I made. 
I then handed the files to my colleague, Roderick who then added the final touches. 

And thus Sherkin Media's Logo was born. 

Here is what it looks like on the Website. 

Wednesday 13 May 2015

End of Work Placement

 I was working at Sherkin Media/Cork Marketing for six weeks. On the 8th of May 2015 I finished my last day of Work Placement. I had a great time and experience working with them and I learned a lot. Cork Marketing create not only websites for their clients but they also help to promote their company/products/work. It was my job to create Logo's for their clients,when they requested one.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Car-Skin Diamond Glaze Video

Here is the Car-Skin Diamond Glaze video which I edited. 
To buy Car-Skin Diamond Glaze, follow the link below: 

Continuation of Work Placement Progress

Since my last update there hasn't been much new stuff. I have been designing a few logos, which I am unable to show at the moment, but I spent most of  last week  focusing on editing the Diamond Glaze video that the staff of Cork Marketing and me made ourselves (without any proper equipment). Editing the video was really tough since I had over three hours of footage and I had to somehow shorten it to less than 10 minutes. That was a very hard to do. On top of that I had technical difficulties with my laptop and a new external hard drive I bought. It took us several days to somehow extract the files of the faulty external hard drive so the making of this video was delayed. I finally managed to finish the video editing and I will put it up sometime today. Getting suitable non-copyrighted music was also hard. Most songs were too short or way to techno or changed too dramatically throughout it. By working on this video I refreshed my After Effects and Premier Pro skills and I learnt how to blur out number plates of cars. The biggest thing I learnt from making this video is that I do not want to become a video editor.