Thursday 2 October 2014

Character Research

Character Design Brief

For the next Brief we are required to design and model two characters. One character displays the protagonist and one the antagonist. We must have Model Sheets, Vector drawings and a physical model s for both characters. 

Starting point 

As a starting point we were given 8 words to chose from, these are:

Nano-punk                              Kitsch
Dystopia                                  Host
Grande                                    Occult 
Hipster                                    Callow

I chose the word Nano-punk but then after working on my ideas I realised that the word Dystopia fits as well. Nano-punk is very similar to steam-punk so I am thinking that the protagonist is going to have the look of a steam-punk style.

Background Story 

The story is about Jennifer Wickworth the descendent of Jonathan Wickworth, who was unjustly killed by onions in the year of 1747. Since his death onions began to spread through the lands using their acidic toxins to destroy any greenery along their path. Everywhere they went they caused great chaos leaving the lands lifeless and unable to bear crops. People became hungry and poor while the onions grew in population. A century later the bad circumstances of the humans was at its peak. This is where Jennifer Wickworth comes in. After years of training she is ready to revenge the injustice that was caused in 1747 and to bring the lands back to the way they were. In order to succeed she becomes and Onion Hunter.

Due to the dangerous toxins off the onions she is forced to wear a gas mask when fighting them.

Nano-punk and some Ideas for the character's clothing
Nano-punk is very similar to steam-punk so I am thinking that the protagonist is going to have the look of a steam-punk style. These images are just to help me get ideas. I want my character's clothes to be simple but effective.

Environment (Dystopia)

I imagine the environment in which the character lives in to look similar the three images below. The images are from Japan and Germany destroyed during World War 2. 

I plan to give my character an old style gun with two kitchen knifes attached at the front of it. 


Here are a few character styles I have been looking at to give me inspiration. 


The personality of the hero figure was going to be slightly similar to the green Powerpuff girl named Buttercup. The protagonist will always seem grumpy and easily annoyed whereas the antagonist will look really happy and friendly. Once the onion takes off his layer his true evil side is revealed. 

Colour Scheme 

The colour scheme for the protagonist's main clothes are going to be browns and creams just like the antagonist,  whereas her hair and cape will have contrasting bright colours. Her cape is going to be red and her hair will be a mix of orange and pink.

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