Monday 27 January 2014

Movie Review of a Scene in Paprika

The four movie choices which we were given this week were Run Lola Run, Akira, Paprika and 12 Monkeys. I watched the trailers of each and I thought Paprika looked the most interesting, probably because it's so colourful.

Paprika came out in 2006 and was directed by Satoshi Kon.

The movie is about a new dream therapy which has been invented for psychiatric patients. The "Dc Mini" is a new creation which enables the therapists to see their patients dreams. Doctor Atsuko Chiba uses this device illegally to help her patients outside of the research facility by becoming Paprika (a fake identity) in the dream world. The "Dc Mini", which was invented by overweight Doctor Kosaku Tokita who is a genius, was stolen in it's still unfinished state. After it is being used wrongly chaos begins when the dream world clashes with the real world. 

Review Scene:

I decided to pick the scene which I most remembered after watching the movie. It is disturbing scene but also a very important one throughout the movie. The scene starts one hour into the movie and ends about three minutes later. Detective Toshimi Konakawa finds himself at an abandoned town. He sees a film poster of paprika in danger as a fairy. He enters the cinema only to find  that paprika is on the movie screen being pined down on a table by Doctor Morio Osana confessing his love to whom Paprika really is.

The scene cuts to the real place where Paprika is being held captive. Just like the framed butterflies all around the walls she is pinned down by huge pins and has wings herself. Doctor Morio Osanai feels her up while talking to her and then places his hand on her groin. As if Paprika has turned into jelly, Doctor Morio Osanai's hand goes through her. He slowly tears up her body from groin to her head while she is screaming in pain. Once Paprika is split in two underneath we find her true self, Doctor Atsuko Chiba. This is the start of where the dream world meets with the real world. Osanai takes Chiba out of Paprika which reminds me of dead snake skin or a cocoon. At the same time Detective Konakawa tries to force himself through the cinema screen to get to where Paprika is in reality.

Suddenly Doctor Seijiro Inui who calls himself "Protector of Dreamland" and is also the wheelchair-bound chairman of the Institute for Psychiatric Research, starts growing out of Osanai's neck. One of Osanai's arms turns into roots. Doctor Inui wants to kill Chiba and Osanai ties to fight back because he loves Chiba and doesn't want her to die. Detective Konakawa finally manages to break through the screen and in the process knocks Osanai to the ground. While Osanai and Inui fight each other Detective Konakawa picks up Chiba and escapes with her. Doctor Osanai screams and explodes into million of butterflies.


In the scene I chose are five characters.

  • Paprika - is Chiba in the Dream world
  • Doctor Atsuko Chiba- psychiatrist and researcher at the Institute for Psychiatric Research.
  • Doctor Seijiro Inui- Wheelchair-bound Chairman of the Institute for Psychiatric Research.
  • Detective Toshimi Kanakawa- Paprikas client who struggles with his past.
  • Doctor Morio Osanai- is also a psychiatrist and researcher at the Institute for Psychiatric Research who gets used by Doctor Seijiro Inui.

Detective Toshimi Konakawa stands outside of a cinema dressed in a suit which is typical of a modern day detective. He seems worried. He enters the cinema room and can see where Paprika is on the screen.

The tied down Paprika is wearing a bright orange top, blue jeans and red converse. The happy colours match her friendly personality. Doctor Morio Osanai, who is the one holding her down is wearing rather cold colours such as blue. Paprika has butterfly wings.

Doctor Chiba is revealed after Osanai rips Paprika open. She is unconscious throughout the whole scene and nude.

Doctor Seijiro Inui grows out of Osanai''s neck and they end up sharing one body for the rest of the scene.

Detective Konakawa breaks through the screen and escapes with Chiba

Doctor Osanai and Inui fight, then Osanai screams and explodes into blue butterflies.

Relationships between characters:

  • Detective Konakawa is a client of Paprika and seems to like her a lot.
  • Paprika's real identity is Doctor Chiba.
  • Doctor Osanai is a co-worker of Chiba and is also in love with her.
  • Doctor Inui, the chairman of the Institute, uses Osanai for his own evil plans.


The scene starts off with the view of an abandoned looking western-style town one hour into the movie. I presume that the setting at this part is linked to Detective Toshimi Konakawa's past, as he used to be an actor and it looks like a movie set.

The setting of the inside of the cinema is just like any ordinary small cinema, with dark red chairs and navy walls and path in the middle separating the chairs and goes down to where the screen is.

The next part of the scene is located in an empty room that only has one table, four pillars and frames with pinned butterflies all around the walls. Most of the scene happens here.

The settings definitely add to the story rather than the visual. As there seems to be a reason for each Setting. eg. the abandoned town which links to Konakawa's past.


The background of the town at the start is linked to a set of a movie in which DetectiveToshimi Konawa was involved with. Him being in the cinema is once again linked to the fact that he once was an actor in his earlier life until the death of his best friend. The setting informs us of the Detectives past. The town is only slightly lit up by lights in the distance and the cinema movie posters. When the cinema movie poster is shown on it is an evil looking- person holding paprika as a fairy in his grasp. In the poster Paprika has butterfly wings maybe suggesting she is fragile and in danger at the moment.

The darkness of the cinema makes this scene even creepier. From the cinema the Detective can see where Paprika really is. She is trapped in a room pined down to a table just like all the butterflies in frames in the background. It is as if Paprika is being shown as an animal pray being held down by her predator, Doctor Morio Osanai.

In the whole scene references of butterflies are constantly being shown, on the movie poster, underneath Paprika when she is pinned down, all around the walls in the empty room are pinned up butterflies, when Paprika is being opened like a cocoon to reveal Chiba and in the end when Doctor Morio Osanai explodes into million butterflies. Even throughout the rest of the movie there are glimpses of butterflies flying around.

Camera Work:

Even though the scene is only three minutes long it has many camera shots in it. Since this is my first time learning camera shots I might have got some of them wrong. Sorry in case I did.
  • Wide establishing shot of abandoned town from right to left
  • Medium shot of Detective Toshimi Konakawa
  • Close up of cinema film poster
  • Extreme close up of the cinema film poster with Paprika on it
  • Wide shot of cinema room facing the door and the Detective entering
  • Extreme wide shot of the cinema room facing the screen and Detective running towards it
  • Medium shot of Paprika being pinned down on a table and Doctor Morio Osanai feels her up
  • Close up of Doctor Morio Osanai's face
  • Close up of Doctor Morio Osanai's hand on Paprikas groin 
  • Camera follows Doctor Osanai's hand ripping through Paprikas body
  • Close up of Paprika's face
  • Close up of Doctor Osanai's face
  • Camera follows Doctor Osanai's hand ripping Paprika apart even more
  • Close up of Paprika's face
  • Close up of Doctor Osanai's face
  • Camera follows Doctor Osanai's hand ripping Paprika apart up to her face
  • Wide shot of Doctor Osanai looking at Paprika on the table in the empty room
  • Birds eye shot of Paprika ripped like the shell of a cocoon to reveal her true self while Doctor Osanai looks down at her. 
  • Extreme close up of Doctor Osanai's face
  • Close up of ripped Paprika revealing Doctor Atsuko Chiba
  • Wide shot of Doctor Osanai taking Doctor Chiba out of the torn Paprika shell
  • Over shoulder shot of Doctor Osanai looking down at Chiba
  • Wide shot
  • Close up of Doctor Seijiro Inui face coming out of Doctor Osanai's neck
  • Close up of Chiba being choked by roots
  • Two-shot of Osanai trying to pull away his root arm from Chiba
  • Wide shot of the wall in a room bending inwards due to the Detective trying to brake through
  • Unusual Fish eye shot of the screen being bend inwards towards the Detective
  • Close up of Doctor Osanai and Inui's face
  • Close up of Chiba's face
  • Close up of Osanai's and Inui's face
  • Unusual medium shot of Detective Konakawa breaking through the wall
  • Wide shot of Detective Konakawa pushing Osanai to the ground while Chiba falls of the table
  • Wide shot of Chiba lying on the floor
  • Wide shot of Osanaion the floor
  • Unusual medium shot of Konakawa looking at the shell of Paprika on the table
  • Camera follows Konakawa going to Chiba
  • Over shoulder shot of Konakawa looking down at Chiba
  • Worm's eye view of Detective Konakawa
  • Medium shot of Doctor Osanai and Inui fighting each other in one body
  • Wide shot of Detective Konakawa Picking up Chiba
  • Close up of Doctor Osanai and Inui's faces
  • Medium close up of Konakawa holding Chiba in his arms
  • Wide shot of Mr Konakawa walking away with Chiba while Osanai tries to follow
  • Medium close up of Osanai and Inui's face
  • Medium close up gets filled with millions of blue butterflies and the scene ends

The most interesting shot is when Detective Konakawa breaks through the screen.

Sounds and Music:

Since the scene starts with an abandoned town all that we can hear is the Detectives Breathing and when he walks over to the cinema his footsteps. The silence suits this scene well and adds a sense of danger, that something might suddenly happen. When the cinema movie poster is shown and the drawing of paprika screams it adds tension to the scene. There is no music, but there is no need for it, the cinema door opening and the voices of the people on the cinema screen are enough. The fact that there is no music makes this scene more dramatic and serious which helps to add the tension even more. Doctor Morio Osanai is having a conversation with Paprika.

When Paprika is being split in two, her scream's of agony break the silence. The squishy- slimy sound works well when Osani's hand sinks through Paprikas skin. Slow creepy music starts for a short while when Paprika gets ripped apart by Doctor Morio Osanai. After that there is no music,  just sound effects and the voices of the characters.

Did you like it? Why /not ? What would you change/keep?:

I am not sure if I like the scene or not but it is the scene I remember most from the movie. I do however like the way the butterfly is constantly being used in the scene. I didn't notice this at first only after watching the scene for the second time did I notice. I wouldn't change the scene I think it is good the way it is. If the scene didn't exist there would be no starting point to show when and where the dream world links with reality, so this scene is a very important one in the movie. In general I really like the visuals of this movie. Everything is so colourful with much detail and looks great.

My favourite scene in the movie is the part where Doctor Chiba is about to jump over the railing of a theme park to catch the doll but in reality the railing is not a that of a theme park but one of a roof on a skyscraper. The dream world she sees disappears once she hops over the railing. Just as she is about to fall Doctor Osanai grabs her and saves her. I'm not entirely sure why this is my favourite part of the movie but I think it just looks visually really cool when the dream world changes into what is actually happening.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Review of a Scene from a Movie

From next week onward we have to present a movie review of a scene every Monday on our blog. Our tutor will give us a few movie choices each week and we pick one of them to write about.

The 5 elements we will have to write about are:

  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Miseenscene
  • Camera Work
  • Sounds and Music

Thursday 23 January 2014

Akumakon 2014

Akumakon is a Anime and Manga Convention which is held in Galway, Ireland.  This year it was on the 17th - 19th of January. There were very few cosplayers but the ones that were there were good. :D I had lots of fun and met lots of nice people.

On the left we have Mr. Michihiko Suwa and Mr. Kaoru Wada.

Mr. Suwa has worked with Yomiuri TV and is involved with the planning and production of anime. He has worked on Detective Conan, Inuyasha, Black Jack, City Hunter and many more.

Mr. Wada is a japanese music composer, arranger, conductor, orchestrator and pianist. He has worked on many animes and games such as Inuyasha, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Ninja Scroll, and many more.

Here are their signatures:

In the middle is Mr. Hirokatsu Kihara who is a writer and anime producer from Japan. He has been involved with Studio Ghibli and Topcraft. He has worked on Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, My Neighbour Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Laputa: Castle in the Sky and is also involved with Gundam: Seed and Code Geass.

Here is his signature:

Here are two profesional cosplayers, Classara and Elffi. Classara is from Germany and has been cosplaying since 2004 and Elffi is a male cosplayer from Finland and started cosplaying in 2006. 

Overall Akumakon was a lot of fun. 

Monday 13 January 2014

Animation Short- Description, Visual, Mood Board

Written Description: 

The story is about a boy in his late teens who spends his spare time beating up others without a second thought of the consequences he might cause.

One day a young man accidentally bumps into him and the teenager's anger grows and he once again throws his fists at a complete stranger.The teenager kicks and punches the young man till he can barely breathe. Then suddenly, a pair of binoculars fall onto the teenager's head. Confused he picks them up and looks through them. Out of shock from what he has just seen he drops to the floor and looks through the binoculars once more. He can see the man's soul leaving his body. Panicked the teenager runs over to him and tries o save the man he has just beat up.

After nearly having killed someone he begins to understand what he has been doing wrong all this time and starts to consider the consequences he might have caused for all of the previous people he has already beaten up. His way of looking at things broadened and has gone beyond the things one sees at first glance.

The following day the teenager walks past an alleyway and notices a girl about to be mugged and decides to use his fighting- ability for something good for once and helps her.


Mood Board: 

All the following manga contain interesting fighting scenes and my animation will have some fighting scenes too.

XS by Song Ji-Hyoung
I like the look of the characters in this manga they all look really cool. I also like the drawing style of the characters and I like the urban setting.

Green Boy by Jung Jae-han
The fighting scenes almost look like they are moving and one can see the power in the punches. I like that. They also look slightly 3D.

Girl's of the Wild's by Hun
This manga has the best looking fighting scenes in my opinion.

Noblesse by Son Jae-ho
This manga also contains some interesting fighting scenes.


The next two video's are actually similar in parts. They both have the view of the feet which I am also thinking of using in my animation.

Animatrix- Kid's Story
I love the style of this animation and I was thinking of doing something like that but in black and white apart from the characters green hair.

One Ok Rock Music Video- Etcetra

Photographs of Graffiti and alleyways:
Here are pictures of alleyways and graffiti which I took myself. Most of my story is set in alleyways.



The guitarist from the band Icon for Hire inspired my character for this story.

Friday 10 January 2014

Gothic Illustrators

For the new Brief I am thinking of using punk/gothic characters so I went to look at books in the college library and I came across these Illustrators . These are all gothic Illustrators which I liked most from that book.

Eri Kamijo- Illustrator

She is a freelance illustrator who also works on many other things such as T-shirt Designs, CD covers, phone covers and illustrations for online games and mobile sites.

Most of her images seem to be black with little amount of colours in them but that is what I like most about them. I'm not sure why but I like that style. I was also thinking of only using little amount of colour for my own characters in my animation and the rest was just going to be black and white. I like the fine lines of the figures and the way the she draws hair. It makes the characters look delicate and beautiful. Her works look magical.

Here are links to see more of the works.

Facebook page:


 Yoh- Illustrator

 He also creates illustrations for magazines, standby illustrations for cell phones, and sponsor/participate in events and trade fairs and collaborating with fashion brands.
This style is similar to one of my classmates but Yoh's
are kind of creepy and remind me of Alice in Wonderland and other Fables. I think adding colours would ruin these pictures. They look good in just black and white. I like the depth in the artist's pictures. These are all pen drawings.

Gin Jaba Tank- Illustrator  
His subjects matters are rococo, gothic lolita, and fantasy in the middle age. The way he uses colours in his images suits the subject matter well as they all remind me of  Fantasy Fairytales.  
Sadly I couldn't find his webpage.


Only using Watercolour she creates girlish- orientated topics. The gothic side really comes through in these paintings. The girls in the images might look cute but most pictures contain something creepy
and dark in them. I like using Watercolour myself because I love the effect it creates.

Here is a link to see many more of her works: