Wednesday 20 March 2013

Some Adobe Softwares

A while ago the tutor was roughly explaining us some programmes and what they are used for, which we will learn how to use in the future. We learned the basics for some of them.

Photoshop: This is an image Manipulator. You can bring in images onto it or draw them.

Adobe Illustrator: Vector Graphics-if you zoom in you wont lose the focus/quality of images.

Adobe Premiere pro: I use that to put video and sound together.

Adobe Audition: Audio production. voice overs, sound effects, music etc but I think it's mostly used for audio levels.

Adobe After Effects: For compositing and putting everything together.

Adobe Flash: Web animation.

So far I have only used photoshop, premiere pro and Flash I don't know how to use the other programmes yet. Eventually we will be taught how to make 3D animations. I will be looking forward to that day.

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