Tuesday 15 September 2015

Gif Project- Connections between friendships/Relationships

For my IOpinion part two Brief I was looking at the connections between friendships and relationships. I read several articles online which had many key points, for forming a connection, in common.  The friendship and relationship key points slightly overlapped.  The things needed for friendships that appeared in most articles were: closeness, similarity, communication mutual understanding, attraction, fun/excitement, effortless communication and trust. The relationship key points were almost the same only that certain things mattered more than in friendships, such as attraction and the feeling of feeling complete.  One article in particular was very interesting because it almost said the complete opposites of what everyone else wrote.  This person mentioned that the people we become friends with are the people we see most frequently.  I found this point interesting because in a way I think it is true but not with all cases. I also read a chapter in a book called Philosophy and Friendships by Sandra Lynch. This chapter had so may key points that were not mentioned anywhere else.  According to the book the things that are associated with understandings of friendships were; liking, affection, love, intimacy, freedom, choice, utility, pleasure, goodness, equality, reciprocity and mutuality, shared activity, goodwill, trust care and concern, loyalty, steadfastness, similarity, difference, vulnerability and fragility. From researching I decided to look at two of my best friends and think about how and why they became my best friends.  The two friends I compared were completely different in everything. One I grew up with and one I spend only one year with in school and then didn’t see for 7 years. One has sooo many things in common with me while the other one has nothing in common with me at all, we have different nationalities and religions and no similar interests. I think that there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to what it is that connects people, since it is different for everyone.

I decided to look at my best friend in Germany whom I grew up with. I think the reason we connected was not because our parents were best friends but because we danced together for about 8 years.  The Gif of the figure doing the cartwheel is supposed represent the times we learned cartwheels and dancing in general. Just like the Gif looping over and over again we had to practice moves over and over again until we were all in sync.  Dancing together with her is one of the strongest memories I have with her and the biggest factor that connected us.

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