Wednesday 14 May 2014

Richard Mosse- The Enclave Exhibition

Richard Mosse- The Englave, Ireland at Venice, The Irish Tour was held in Limerick in the Ormston House from March to the 14th of May. This was probably one of the most beautiful exhibitions which I have seen so far. The photography which I took doesn't do his work justice at all. His exhibition is something that must be seen in person to fully understand just how amazing it is.

The Exhibition consisted of a room with very huge scale photography and a room with multiple- screen film installations. The work that is displayed shows Richard Mosse's three year exploration of the conflicted landscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He used a discontinued military film, originally used for camouflage detection, to show the unseen tragedy that happens in the Congo.

The Photographs were breath taking and seemed to get more and more detailed the closer I stood in front of them. What I most found interesting about the multiple- screen film installation was the strong contrast between the beautiful looking landscape and the theme of war. It was somewhat strange to see so much deaths and tragedy in such a happy coloured palette.

Here Come The Warm Jets, North Kivu, Eastern Congo, 2012
Digital C-Print
182.8 x 228.6 cm, 72 x 90 inches

Here is a picture with my friend beside it just to show the scale of the image. 

Platon, North Kivu, Eastern Congo, 2012
Digital C-Print, AP
183 x 229 cm, 72 x 90.2 inches

Beaucoups of Blues, North Kivu Eastern Congo, 2012
Digital C-Print
182.8 x 228.6 cm, 72 x 90 inches

Love is the Drug, South Kivu, Eastern Congo, 2012
Digital C- Print 
279 x 533 cm, 110 x 210 inches

This photograph was the biggest one in the exhibition. 

Some of the multiple-screen film installations: 

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