I needed two Marty Mc Flys because in one part he wears a jacket and in the other one he doesn't. I tried making them similar to the characters from Back to The Future to some extent. For example roughly using similar colours or accessories.
The characters who still have most of the similarities from the back to The Future Cast are George Mc FLy and Biff Tannen.
I changed the others a little not sure I just felt like it. The clay stuff I used was harder or softer depending on the colours. Blue, orange and yellow was really soft and black and purple were really tough.
This made it harder to move Biff as the clay was so soft and his character was fatter than the other ones. He was hardest to balance.
Lorraine Banes Mc Fly was also hard to move because of the clay. I made her blond :P because she will have a unique voice :P and I thought the voice would go with blond hair for some reason.
Dave Mc Fly is least in it and because i found it too hard to make a cap i just gave him a cap. he ended up looking like cowboy though.
I used the worst wire skeleton for Linda Mc Fly because she doesn't have to get up and move around. Her jumper is actually pink but I didn't have that colour so it turned out purple instead. To be honest I was struggling with the characters faces the most as the figures were pretty small . In the end I used Beads as eyes and just did a slit for a mouth and just opened and closed it when they talk. Even though I looked up different ways to make a mouth but the characters were way too small for that so there was no way that those methods would have worked. I also wanted to originally add a nose but then they looked all like old creepy men, they look creepy enough as it is :P