Monday, 26 August 2013

Summer Animation Project

I finished the recording for the voices around a week ago. Luckily my friend was just after buying a recording machine thingy, so I could use that instead of my mp3. I used four friends for the voices. :P I let them have a bit of freedom to decide what they wanted the character to sound like and I just agreed with them when I thought it was good to use. Recording was fun as sometimes lots of lines were completely mixed around or we just burst out laughing, I have a lot of editing to do though ha ha. Right now I am putting the pictures into movie maker in the order of the movie. As there are so many different angles most of my pictures were mixed up. I'm pretty sure my Back to The Future DVD is going to break by the amount of times I have already played back and forth. 

I broke my scene into four parts. The part where Marty walks into the house, the breakfast scene (is in two parts) and the part where Marty wakes up. Once the pictures are put in order I will import them into premier pro and add the voices and background sounds to it. The reason I broke it into four parts is because my laptop is very slow especially when i keep adding more pictures into movie maker and also because it will be easier to edit. Hopefully anyway. 

When my Summer Project Animation is fully completed I will start editing the dancing octopus animation
(it will only be around a minute and a half though).

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Halfway done

I finished taking all the photos today for the animation. All I have to do now is recording the voices. And because I was so into stop-motion I also started a new animation about a dancing octopus. All that the dancing octopus needs is the music. :D I was thinking of recording that myself, something with drums and bass. The recording quality wont be the best but it will have to do. For the animation I used a simple digital camera and that was good enough for the animation :D so I am hoping that the recording on my little mp3 wont be too bad either. 

here is a picture of what the octopus looks like:

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Start of The Animation

Two days ago I finally started the working on the animation part. I should have probably started earlier but in all fairness it was the summer holidays. 

My friend Nathan helped me out when I needed four hands instead of two, for example when holding the characters so they wont fall or making sure I don't knock over the camera...again.

Once I have all the picture for the stop motion taken I will but them together and edit them. So far I have taken pictures of more than half. Soon I will try to record the voices of my friends so I can use them for the animation. I have already thought of which friend would suit which character. Here is a picture of one of the hardest scenes I am struggling with. I am trying to get the angles close to the one in the movie but not exact.

Working on the furniture for the set

 I could only work with the wood pieces I had as I have nothing to cut wood with. That is why I didn't have five chairs but only two and two different sized benches. I painted them blue and I used beads as legs which i had to paint white as they were pink.
 The table was too small but I didn't have a wood piece the right length to glue on top of it so I cut out a piece from an old cereal box and glued it on. I then just put a piece of fabric over the table as a table cloth. The same fabric I used for the curtains in the set.
 Here is my mini telly which I will use in the scene. I had to make it a flat screen tv because I have no better wood pieces.
 :P there is the couch I made last semester. I just glued on beads to get it off the ground.

 This fridge was used in the scene. At first it was just a block of wood that was painted so I had to glue on a piece of paper with the inside of a fridge drawn on it at an angle. Then I used cardboard which I drew on as the door for the fridge. I used wire for a handle.

Here is a picture of the set I am using for the animation.

:P The Finished Characters

 I needed two Marty Mc Flys because in one part he wears a jacket and in the other one he doesn't. I tried making them similar to the characters from Back to The Future to some extent. For example roughly using similar colours or accessories.

The characters who still have most of the similarities from the back to The Future Cast are George Mc FLy and Biff Tannen.
 I changed the others a little not sure I just felt like it. The clay stuff I used was harder or softer depending on the colours. Blue, orange and yellow was really soft and black and purple were really tough.

This made it harder to move Biff as the clay was so soft and his character was fatter than the other ones. He was hardest to balance.
 Lorraine Banes Mc Fly was also hard to move because of the clay. I made her blond :P because she will have a unique voice :P and I thought the voice would go with blond hair for some reason.

 Dave Mc Fly is least in it and because i found it too hard to make a cap i just gave him a cap. he ended up looking like cowboy though.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I used the worst wire skeleton for Linda Mc Fly because she doesn't  have to get up and move around. Her jumper is actually pink but I didn't have that  colour so it turned out purple instead. To be honest I was struggling with the characters faces the most as the figures were pretty small . In the end I used Beads as eyes and just did a slit for a mouth and just opened and closed it when they talk. Even though I looked up different ways to make a mouth but the characters were way too small for that so there was no way that those methods would have  worked. I also wanted to originally add a nose but then they looked all like old creepy men, they look  creepy enough as it is :P