Friday 11 April 2014

15 Second Showreel

This is a 15 second showreel of things I have done throughout the course. Some are finished works and some are unfinished works. The music is Remedy from Seether.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Final Audio Project

The same video as the previous one but with credits and in a slightly bigger size.

Here is the Foley File which Jennifer put together:

Monday 7 April 2014

Audio Project

For this Audio project we had to split up into groups and work on a minimum of a 60 second clip. The original audio from the clip had to be removed and new audio had to be put in. Jennifer White and me chose part of the opening scene in the first Lion King. We wanted to create a creepy aura atmosphere instead of the friendly peaceful atmosphere which it has originally. We looked at the birth of Simba more like the birth of a dark lord who is shown in front of his yet-to-be army of animals. Rafiki seems like an evil wizard. :D 

Friday 4 April 2014

One Day Animation Challenge

On Wednesday out tutor set us a one day animation challenge. We were put in groups of two to four and had to pick one word from a list of which we would like to create an animation with. Our group chose the word Flavour 76. The other words from the list were Le Monde, NYC, and The Departure.

Timetable of the Day:

09.30 -10.00  Introduction
10.00 - 10.30 Group Brainstorming
10.30 - 11.15 Group Presentation (5 mins each)
11.30 - 15.30 Gather / Design / Animate
15.30 - 16.30 Final Presentations (5 mins each)

Here is a List of words from my brainstorm which reminded me of the word Flavour 76:
  • Nightclub
  • Sweets
  • Year 1976
  • Neon
  • Colourful
  • Pop-culture
  • Rollerblades
  • Disco
  • Disco ball
  • Flowers
  • Hippies
  • Drugs
  • Tie-dye
  • Funky
  • Idols
  • Clothes Brand
  • Laser Lights
  • Music from the Seventies or from around that time
  • Popular
  • Flower Power
  • Afros
  • Lipstick
  • Flared Pants

In the end, the atmosphere which we were trying to create in the animation was something like a Flower Power Disco. We imagined a Nightclub in today's world called Flavour 76 which only plays /70's music. Overall the one day challenge was very broad so we could do whatever we wanted with the chosen word and the animation. The only thing we had to consider was not to rely on the digital animation but do hands on work and only use the computer for the editing at the end. 

My job was to collect real flowers and make cut out flowers for the animation. I also did some editing and looked for a suitable soundtrack.

Life Drawing- Mix

Last Monday I had Life drawing class and we drew a lot of quick sketches trying out whatever materials we wanted. The page size we used was A2 and over. Some sketches were done in 15 seconds, 30 seconds,1 minute or 3 minutes. I tried drawing with colouring pencils, ink, charcoal and pens. First I used ink but I realised that the time we had to sketch down the figure was too short and ink took me to long to get one the page. When using the pens two or three were tied together when drawing, it was a bit awkward because sticky tape didn't really work. Using the charcoal worked the best. Overall, I don't think I did particularly good that day but I was just trying out stuff.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Start of the Clay Modelling Workshop

Last week we started the clay modelling workshop but half way through class we ran out of clay so we didn't get to finish it. What we had to do was try and recreate a life size model head of ourselves. We started off putting blobs of clay together to recreate our skull...or at least try to. :D Anyway, I tried as best as I could until I ran out of clay,but it ended up looking more like an orc. I am interested to see what the finished outcome will be once we get more clay.